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Chevys10zr2003 SCT410 build

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TEKNO recommends using a chain saw file, takes less than a minute with a drill:

It would be really helpful if that was listed in the manual LOL. I didn't use a drill, I just did it by hand and it still took less than a minute.
After running a few packs I think the arms loosen up anyways. Well at least mine did. I tried a drill bit but that didn’t do much. I’ll have to pick up the chainsaw file and give that a go. I don’t race so I’m not too worried about it lol!
After running a few packs I think the arms loosen up anyways. Well at least mine did. I tried a drill bit but that didn’t do much. I’ll have to pick up the chainsaw file and give that a go. I don’t race so I’m not too worried about it lol!
I don't do any racing either. I don't know if it's better to have a tight fit and try to keep stuff out or to have a little looser fit so that stuff can come out when it gets in there. LOL I haven't had any problems with mine though.

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