• Welcome to Tekno RC Forums! Are you a Tekno RC fan? If so you're in luck as you've have arrived to the biggest and best Tekno RC community.

    Come join our community and ask your questions, show off your Tekno RCs and share your experience!


  1. F

    Driving MT410 After long break

    Hello to everyone and thank you in advance for your help. I haven’t driven my MT410 in about six months, not my choice life just got busy. I do not know what you guys would suggest that I do before starting to drive it again. Thanks once again
  2. RustyUs

    ET410 by HeavyBag

    I remember when I first started reading RC forums; there had been, for years, thoughts of modifying a stadium truck into a 4wd "animal". Time past, and OFNA did it. They (OFNA/HoBao) put out the Hyper 10-TT. I thought that was just plain 4wd stadium truck greatness! I couldn't see myself coming...
  3. S

    Convince me to purchase a mt410

    Thinking about buying my first tekno what all upgrades does the mt need before bashing and is it worth every cent? how's durability on it? Also what are the most common issues with it? Give me all the info I need to know thanks guys
  4. Jmill102980

    New to Tekno first Tekno build was a great build still finishing up.

    Was very good build I enjoyed it. Still have stuff to do but almost complete I also painted with my new air brush for the first time as well. The body is all paint no decals but I went to far with my blade cutting out the liquid mask oh well its a bash body!! Will gorilla tape in the body. Jason...
  5. S

    Largest spur et48?

    New to the et48 and trying to get a slightly larger steel spur gear. Can anyone tell me that highest tooth count that will fit? I am running pretty large tires and I am not able to gear down as much as I’d like. I figure making the spur a little bigger will help. The motor mount doesn’t slide...
  6. WoodiE

    Tekno Shock Standoffs

    Tekno has just announced a set of Tekno shock standoffs, that when used with the Tekno shock bushings (TKR8730), allow the shock only to pivot between the standoff and the bushing which in turn moves the wear surface to the bushing itself and increasing the life of the cap. Tekno Shock Standoff...
  7. WoodiE

    Heavy Duty Differential Outdrives & Coupler for Tekno EB/ET 410

    The new Tekno HD differential outdrives and coupler for the Tekno EB410 and ET410 have just been announced. These new HD outdrives and couplers have less material removed to improve the durability and impact resistance, making them a perfect upgrade for bashers and even carpet racing with their...
  8. WoodiE

    Tekno Traktion drive system thoughts from Tyler Hooks

    Tekno RC Team Driver, Tyler Hooks, Took the Tekno traktion drive system out for a spin to test it on his EB48.4 and overall he seemed to be impressed with it. Here is his mini review and thoughts on the system. The Traktion Drive electric clutch system is not a new product from Tekno RC. It has...
  9. V

    Mt410 esc and motor?

    So I'm building my MT410 now but still need an ESC and motor. I live in Ohio so I have snow and will run it in the winter waterproof is a must im looking at the mamba monster. I'm new to electric and don't know if i was want the 1700kv or 2200 speed and standing backflips not needed don't want...
  10. TBuggy

    Tbuggy's ET410

    Well its in and I am super excited for this build! Plan to run this mostly at the outdoor track but may bring it indoors later on down the road. I have a couple of parts that were extras and some pulled from other rigs that I will be using to get this up and going. Parts list: Electronics...
  11. rayzcar

    Rayzcar’s ET410 Build

    Posted some of this in my intro thread but adding a few more photos and details. This was on Friday night, surprise announcement from our local track shop saying they had kits in stock so we didn’t have to wait until the 15th. Intended to pull electronics from my other cars.
  12. WdotDynamite

    My first race weekend. LONG READ

    So I've had the buggy since late feb. I've went between 2 and 4 times a month to the track and practiced but I never raced due to the fact I just didn't have the money for a transponder. Well I got one and this weekend was my local tracks anual summer "Beat the Heat" race so I entered. Now...
  13. WoodiE

    Ultimate Tekno EB410 Stock Build by Tyler Hooks

    I came across this Tekno EB410 build by Tyler Hooks over at the Tekno blog and thought I'd share it here as well. Enjoy! Hey guys and gals, Tyler Hooks (Hooks Race Services) here, I built a new EB410 for the upcoming ROAR 1/10th scale off-road nationals to run in the stock 13.5 class, so I...
  14. WdotDynamite

    Tekno ET410 Still shot!

    From the SDRC Facebook page. Looks a tad longer than the EB
  15. Chevys10zr2003

    Chevys10zr2003 SCT410 build

    I got this in the mail today from the giveaway. Thank you @WoodiE and @Escobear for this vehicle. I am still waiting on all the other parts that I need to complete the build, which most should be here Monday. I will do a detailed build log with part numbers as I go along.
  16. WoodiE

    Flash Giveaway: Tekno RC gear to cover your head!

    Tekno RC Hat or Beanie Giveaway Just for the fun of it, TeknoForums is going to give TWO lucky winners their choice of either a Tekno RC truckers hat flat bill (TKRHAT11F), round bill (TKRHAT11R), or Tekno RC beanie. What is a flash giveaway? Typical giveaways might last days or weeks, a flash...
  17. WoodiE

    Most recommended Tekno EB410 Upgrades

    If you're looking for an RC that doesn't need a lot of upgrades out of the box, then the Tekno EB410 buggy is what you're looking for. Out of the box the EB410 really doesn't require any upgrades... with the exception of the plastic servo horn. However, there is always room for improvement and...
  18. WoodiE

    Tekno ET410 leak

    There's rumors flying around that Tekno is working on releasing an 1/10th scale truggy, the ET410? Nothing official yet, if even true, however there is an EB410 upgrade item - the aluminum ackerman plate that lists the ET410 as a compatible model... Typo or possible leak, what are your thoughts?
  19. S

    Tekno out of business??? Really want a MT410

    Hello guys. So after continuously blowing my kraton diffs I'm looking into the 410. Problem is all my LHS are telling me the company is gone and parts are gonna disappear. Any word on this?? Rc world is broken ATM
  20. Jerry-rigged

    SCT410.4 coming soon?

    Howdy gang - I notice that the SCT410.3 is on sale a Amain - is this a sign the SCT410.4 is about to be released? I tried digging thru the mega thread over on RCTech, but with the new forum software, it is a bit of a PITA to do anything over there now...