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Hey everyone, im just joining the world of rc cars and so far its not gone too well. I just picked up a used SCT 410.3 off of my local buy and sell conplete RTR. I tested it out in the parking lot before purchasing but never pinned it. Just took it out to the my farm to give it a test, made it about 30 feet. I pinned it and then immediately let go of the gas. The car kept going full throttle, no controls at all. Ended up hitting wheel first into a fence post and breaking a bunch of stuff im the front end. After the crash i tested it a few times again. It seems whenever i pull the throttle all the way down the truck loses all controls and stays at full throttle for between 3-5 seconds. During that time i cant brake or steer. Its a hobbywing ezrun xr8 sct. I dont think its the transmitter because i turned it off once while it was doing this and it didnt stop. Anybody ever had this happen? Am i doing something wrong?
Did you go thru all the setup procedures? Very important, you cant just assume its correctly calibrated.

I have the same esc if there is anything you need to know.

I would suggest going through the manual to calibrate the transmitter and buying a program card to tweak the internal esc settings.

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