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Xr10 pro g2 flashing red light, no throttle

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Hi Friends,

Brand new HW xr10 pro. All wired up correctly. When I plug in the battery it starts flashing red fast. I cannot enter calibration mode as when I hold the switch nothing happens. I have servo but no throttle. When I put the servo into the throttle slot in the receiver the throttle controls the servo as a test I ran. Can't turn it off without unplugging the battery. I am running a 3s but the xr10 pro can take up to 4s so I don't see why the 3s would be an issue?

I also have made sure the controller was set to neutral throttle and also made sure it was not in reverse. What could be the problem?

All suggestions welcome please.
I wish I had an answer for you. I'd try to do a factory reset, and start over. Is there a specific group for XR10 Pro users? I don't know. If you do figure things out, please let us know.
I am running a 3s but the xr10 pro can take up to 4s so I don't see why the 3s would be an issue?

As far as I'm aware the XR10 Pro is 2S only with lipo.

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