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Shocks squeaking

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I finally got to take my EB48 2.0 out for some bashing and it was awesome. Ran great and held together well from some pretty crashes. I noticed when I got home that all 4 of my shocks squeak when I compress the front or rear of the buggy. Is this normal or have I messes something up? Thanks
Either you got some air in the shock and as the air passes through the piston it can sometimes make a bit of a low pitch squeak.

You hinge pins fit too tight in the suspension arms. (Very probable.)

The flashing, (part of the piston that attached to the plastic mold,) didn't get trimmed off good.

Or shock shaft slightly bent causing the piston to bind in the shock body.
Thanks I’ll check those things
just to confirm, with the shocks removed, do they still squeak, or do you still hear squeaking when the arms move without the shocks installed?

Normally the balls in the shock ends tend to squeak and I will spray the links with some WD40 Dry Lube at the end of every race day.
I notice mine squeak once left. Pump them a few times to mix the oil with the air and the squeak goes. Assuming you're using stock emulsion.
It's not the shocks. The hinge pins squeak once they get any amount of dust in them. You can squirt a little lube on the hinge pin bushings or actually remove them to wipe them off.

Mind you, this has no effect on performance either way. It's just annoying lol.

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