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ET410.2 Front and Rear differential mixed up

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I starting putting my ET410.2 last night. Made it through the differentials. However this morning my daughter picked them up and I’m not sure which diff is from and which is rear. They’re identical on outside but the front is filled with 30k diff fluid and the rear diff with 15k fluid.
Couldn’t I tell these apart by how easily these two differentials turn?
Would the rear with 15k fluid be easier to turn than the differential with 30k fluid?
I starting putting my ET410.2 last night. Made it through the differentials. However this morning my daughter picked them up and I’m not sure which diff is from and which is rear. They’re identical on outside but the front is filled with 30k diff fluid and the rear diff with 15k fluid.
Couldn’t I tell these apart by how easily these two differentials turn?
Would the rear with 15k fluid be easier to turn than the differential with 30k fluid?
I think you should be able to tell by feel. I use a metallic sharpie when I build a dif to write the fluid weight on the outside of the dif
One would think you would be able to tell the difference of diff fluid thicknesses by feel. I don't know. I've never encountered this predicament. Perhaps a visual difference help is needed, like flicking an attached wheel/tire "testing ball diff tightness trick" to see how far a tire rotates.

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