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Shock issues?

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Finally finished my build. After a couple of runs, I feel like the back end is dipping too much, and too easily.

How do I fix this? Do I need different oil? How do I know if something is up with my shock build? Would I need to open up the caps and check oil levels?

This is all new to me... Be gentle!
Finally finished my build. After a couple of runs, I feel like the back end is dipping too much, and too easily.

How do I fix this? Do I need different oil? How do I know if something is up with my shock build? Would I need to open up the caps and check oil levels?

This is all new to me... Be gentle!
Welcome to the forum! What exactly do you mean by dipping too much? Is it only dipping when coming down from a jump or does it sit lower even when not moving?

The first thing I would check is the shock oil though. If it is bottom out really easy over bumps, I would get a stiffer spring and up the oil weight.

If it is sitting lower when not moving, I would get a stiffer and longer spring, if they make one.
Like you say: rear end seems to sit lower when not moving. I might have to look at stiffer springs.

Is everyone here running stock shock oil?
Crank the shock collars down more and/or go with stiffer springs.

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