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Shim under head of pinion

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Starting to assemble my EB48 2.1 and a question about the ring and pinion mesh. Once assembled I decided to put a shim on the ring side to make a tighter mesh. It really didn’t do anything because it is pretty tight in the case. So what I did was to put a shim under the head of the pinion gear to deepen it into the ring. Once all tightened up I still have the a click between the gears that I think is acceptable. I gues I’m asking if anyone has done this or if anyone foresee a problem?
I did this on my SCT early on because it was noisy when it would diff out. It was small though, something like .05mm. You don't want it so tight there's no lash though. Metal expands with heat and they're going to get hot.
As long as there is a small tic of play all the way around the gears... great! I don't remember using any shims on any of Tekno's platforms. Never had any side to side movement on diffs. Mesh on diff ring/pinion gear has always been spot on with high spot here and there which, after break-in, goes away.

I pay extra attention to the diff coupler/pinion part of builds as the setscrew loosening has been a concern in the past platforms of mine. Completely clean threads & let threadlock completely cure.

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