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.4 ackermann and bumpsteer washers

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Back again with another question :) Can you tell I'm a noob?

So I just added the .4 ackerman plate to the 410 and obviously had to trim down the turnbuckles to make them shorter. I based this on the eb48 2.0 instructions....
Which leads me to the question of the bumpsteer settings.

Is there a preference for a sct for racing? Is bumpsteer inwards slightly what we are looking for to assist with cornering?

Trying to dial in a base setting and curious as to what you guys got.

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I tend to prefer the least amount of bumpsteer possible (laying the steering links flat) to make my cars more stable and easy to drive. I recommend reading the following tuning guide to get a better understanding of each tuning option so you know what you're trying to accomplish when you're making respective changes:
You'll also notice if you look closely that the eb48.4/2.0 uses slightly different steering link ball studs which have more clearance on top to prevent the ball ends binding up at max angle- I did this upgrade on my sct410.3 as well - so you'll ideally want both the plate and the updated ball studs to prevent binding at full droop and compression. Not critical, as you can still turn, but it is slightly bound temporarily without the updated studs.

mt410/sct410.3 part - tkr5052a
eb48 2.0/.4 part - tkr8052a
I realized i also installed the 2.0 bellcranks tkr9104, the .4 uses the same as the mt410, tkr8104
not sure the difference those would make without the updated studs, the geometries are slightly different.

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