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Tekno RC's
  1. MT410
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Howdy, my brother is looking to build a kit after watching me build my mt410 being that I am his older brother he doesn't want to build the same kit as me and then show me up with his rig. That said he might just end up getting the 410. Are there any other trucks out there on the 1/8 scale that are quality and a great build like tekno?
Kits are pretty rare these days. The Tekno MT410 is probably the cream of the crop for monster truck kits. The next best thing would be something like the Kraton EXB which isn't a kit, but a roller (everything but electronics).

Otherwise the MT410 would be your best bet. ;)
Kits are pretty rare these days. The Tekno MT410 is probably the cream of the crop for monster truck kits. The next best thing would be something like the Kraton EXB which isn't a kit, but a roller (everything but electronics).

Otherwise the MT410 would be your best bet.

Kits are pretty rare these days. The Tekno MT410 is probably the cream of the crop for monster truck kits. The next best thing would be something like the Kraton EXB which isn't a kit, but a roller (everything but electronics).

Otherwise the MT410 would be your best bet. ;)
Looks like he's building out a mt410 then, thanks ^-^
If he is willing to wait a bit he can one up you by getting the ET48 2.0 when it comes out. Ive been patiently waiting to add one to my Tekno collection ever since I got my first Tekno kit 2.5 years ago, the ET48.3 lol. I was so impressed with it that the MT is the only electric Tekno I dont have that they have offered over that time with both the ET48.3 and ET410.2 being my easy favorites. Then after getting the EB48 2.0 when it came out and really liking the changes they made over the EB48.4, its added to the anticipation. Only weeks away!!

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