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Tires / motor combo questions.

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Tekno RC's
  1. EB410
  2. EB48
  3. ET48
  4. ET410
  5. MT410
  6. NB-48
  7. NT-48
  8. SCT410
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So i ordered my et410 a few days ago and I came across a used 3660 motor with 4000 kv. I want a powerful rig so I was wondering if it fits with a max 10 and if it does, would it need a max 10 sct because of the amps? (if it doesn't work out I will just go with a 3652 4000kv) Now for the tires. I have some sct tires available and some mini e revo ones too but i dont know if they're too small. if they are i was thinking thejconcepts mono with trencher 2.2 tires but im not sure if they fit or not (if they dont i will just go with something else i know does). I also wanted to get into carpet racing but my lhs only has 1/10 buggy tires so i was thinking i could put rear on front and rear.
Any 120A ESC will do fine for a 3660 motor on 2S

If you're going to race then I would invest in ST wheels.

I don't race the ET410 anymore, but I found ST wheels to perform significantly faster than SCT wheels on turf and dirt. ST wheels offer lower ride height, faster corner speed and more stability.

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