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Long wheelbase conversion parts list

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Hi, can you please post here the part list for the MT410 conversion with long wheelbase (from EB I guess)?
Have you done this conversion? If so, what is your experience on the durability side (I guess a long wheelbase will likely make the chassis more easy to bend)?
Will these parts be eligible for 50% discount after buying the full MT410 kit? Thanks
In order to convert a mt410 to a mt410 with long wheelbase, you need the ET48.3 chassis, rear drive shaft and rear chassis brace which is optional but recommended if you bash.

As far as the 50% off deal, all you have to do is send in the damaged or worn out part and as long as the same part isnt discontinued they will sell you a new one at 50% off. But it will be the exact same part. So you cant send in a mt chassis and get a deal on an et chassis for instance.

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