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So I'm thinking of buying an MT410, since my outcast has cost me my patience having to rebuild my diffs after every 2nd bash, how are the tekno diffs on 6s and hard bashing? and wich oil weight do you guys prefer? And how are the driveshafts holding up?
Yeah I will run it on 4s if I feel it is enough, wich motor combo you run?
I am considering selling off most my Arrma’s. I have bought 3 Tekno’s and almost have my Et48 2.0 built up. General findings is they are more durable than the Arrma but time will tell.
Yeah I will run it on 4s if I feel it is enough, wich motor combo you run?

As I mentioned, plenty of “get up and go “ 💪
nice dude! yeah I will get the max8 combo for mine too

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