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My ET48.3 switched from 4S to 6S

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My 4S lipos were starting to get tired. I have WSline 4S 8000/100c. As I'm not racing or just on challenges where there is no battery requirements i decided to go on 6S. I bought my lipos 2nd hand with very few charges(i have 5 of them) and they are quite expensive new(around 110€) so i went with new WSline 6S 5000/75c which are cheaper(90€) and changed my WSline 4274 2000kv to a Rocket Taurus 4274 1500kv. So now i'm with a 6S/1500kv/16t/5000mah instead of 4S/2000kv/17t/8000mah.
Just a little test done to check everything had been correctly soldered. It should be 6 or 8km/h faster and i expect same runtime or more. There are an little less w/h in the 6s/5000 pack compared to the 4s/8000 but it should run cooler so we'll see. Rock on!🤟


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