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Xerun 4268 G2 becomes very hot

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I'm new to RC cars and just bought a second hand Tekno 48.4 with engine: XERUN 4268 G2 and XERUN XR8 SCR as controller.
It run perfect for one day and it suddenly stopped.
When I now try to run it a again the engine will not run, only after several times using the throttle it wil start.
I already calibrated the throttle but it does not change anything.

When I connect the battery and turn it on the led of the controller blinks 4 times (I use a 4S battery) and the led is off.
When I then use the throttle the led blinks red and the enige knocks a bit.
Sometimes when I turn the axle of the engine it will start.
When it is started/runs it will keep on running perfect (I believe, I just tried for a few minutes a few times) until I turn the controller off and on again.
I also believe the engine becomes really hot while it is almost not used, also the cables become hot.

Do you have an idea what could be wrong or what I do wrong?

No I don't have an another motor.
Do you think the problem is in the motor and not in the controller?

Can I just connect any 4268 motor to the controller or does it need to be the Xerun version?

And can I run a non sensored motor with the Xerun XR8 SCT controller?
Or can I try the run the Xerun 4268 I have without the sensor wires attached should that work?
I would try disconnecting the sensor cable and seeing if the problem persists. Are you sure the wires were soldered in the correct order/location?
Today I went to the store and first I replaced the controller and helped a bit, the motor did run (sometimes) and did became hot anymore. But it still was not perfect sometimes the motor still did not run.
So eventually I also replaced the motor and the controller.
I now have the:
motor: Xerun 4268 G3 2200KV
controller: Xerun XR8 Pro
And now it all works fine again.

Hopefully this keeps working for a while 😀

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