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Tires for 6s onroad speed runs

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Hi guys!

I just purchased an et48.3, and I'm extremely excited to add it to my MT410. I want to use this one to dabble in some speed runs. What tires would you recommend for 6s onroad speed runs? Also, any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!

GRP But they have a small diameter butt do hold up.
GRP But they have a small diameter butt do hold up.

true i have also heard good about the GRPs but they are not as easy to find if you're in the states.
E-bay and wat Tbuggy said they do ship

The SRC are nice and mine were great on my E Revo. I also have hard foam like the GRPs but have not run them at all. Brand new w/dust. Maybe I will put the on my Rustler!.

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