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Tire Balancing

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Does anyone else balance their wheel/tires on their EB410 or .2?

I've been using clay for several years and was waiting on a set of front wheels/tires to show up. The rears were already common to a 2wd buggy I have so was good there.
I generally press the clay really flat to make it easier to clean the back of the wheels and not catch a bunch of crud. What I found was once mounted the rear bearing carrier and the swept arm on the front that the steering arm attach to are so close to the inside of the hoop it swept the clay off. I noticed these bits were close before hand but didn't think this would happen.
Does anyone have any suggestions on something besides clay that is thin? I've seen some of the weighted tapes but they don't say and you can't tell how thick they are.
non hardening modelling clay is the most common what I see used in my area... there are some guys who balance every run, some who balance once per race day, some like me who balance once per mounted set of tires, ha!

I haven't really bought into the necessity to balance all the time, though I do agree it's a good idea just to make sure nothing is way off with a fresh set of tires installed. I might re-balance a set of tires if I'm seeing some abnormal wobble, but anything that is more permanent than clay could present more trouble than it's worth :(

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