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Recommendation for a Proline Brute Body

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Already destroyed the indestructible Russian black body and I guess am gonna try the white Brute armor body. Has anyone fitted a Proline Brute on the MT410? I got the arrma body mounts and mitch's front and rear shock towers. Looking for Brute body that will fit. thanks for any feedback guys.
The e-revo has a big hole in the back for body retaining clip, how you fill the hole?
The e-revo has a big hole in the back for body retaining clip, how you fill the hole?
I haven’t and live with it because the Proline body is so much nicer than the other unbreakables.

I have seen someone on this forum install a GoPro mount on the e-revo body (not a bash armor though) to fill that hole. Very nice build.
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yeah, no real good solution for an mt410 bashing body that I've found!
btw to the revo white bash body is way better than the russian and a reinforced goo, etc. just wish the rear hole wasn't there.
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