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MT410 fun for Cheez

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Anxiously waiting…. Came across this review on YouTube, the place he takes it to bash is the exact same spot I go to. It’s about 5-10 minutes from home.
Build will begin this week.🤩
I know, I know a boring build….but what the heck, I enjoy sharing and maybe a newbie will see something they like.🤷
I know, I know a boring build….but what the heck, I enjoy sharing and maybe a newbie will see something they like.🤷
that servo is a beast the speed on 7.2v is 👌
I’m following this build. I’m not newb but you’ve definitely got me interested in picking one of these kits up and building my own MT410!
Wow! I’ve trimmed a painted probably over a dozen bodies over the years and just recently learned about the “ score with a hobby knife and snap off” method. It works perfectly!
Nice build keep it going I enjoyed building mine now its time for me to clean it up and redo my diffs. I'll enjoy doing that again. 👍
First little bump….😵‍💫 had to do a bit of wrestling in order to get TK1529 to line up. A bit of an angle there.

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