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Motor & ESC for ET 410.2

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I bought a Hobbywing XR10 Pro G3 with a V10 10.5 T motor. Planning to run it on a smallish indoor clay track ( SDRC ), but mostly on a rough, dusty outdoor track and light "bashing". After seeing the motor, I'm worried about trashing it with dust and small pebbles because the case is so open. Looking at a separate motor for outdoor use, most of the sealed cases are 4 pole and the ESC says 2-pole only. Now I'm confused about what to do.
1. start over with an XR8 Pro ESC?
2. keep the XR10 and don't worry about the motor
3. keep the XR10 and buy something like the Quicrun 3650 that has only small vents
4. run a sealed 4 pole on the XR10f and hope for the best???

what should I do and in general, what's a better setup for the ET410.2. - 2 pole or 4 pole motors?

EDIT: would prefer a setup that will be fine with 2S only since that's all that's allowed indoor.
I used to race the ET410 many years ago and would move on to the PR Racing 401R-T

I would keep the XR10 Pro G3 which is rated for 160A and can handle any 4 Pole motor you drop in.

I went back and forth between 540 - 2 pole motors and 550 - 4 pole motors designed for SCT where neither worked well for my needs.

What I would settle on is the 4 Pole 3652 from HobbyWing as the perfect balance offering ample speed and not too much torque:

For a large outdoor track I would go with the 5100KV which is what I ran for 1/8 racing and you can turn down the EPA on it for SDRC.
Thanks Billl. I'll try it out. After reading the manual more closely, it looks like 4 pole is fine as long as you do not run it in sensored mode.