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410 2.0 Metal spur gear for SCT410?

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any one running or know of a good metal spur gear for this truck?

ive wasted 2 spurs, not exactly sure how or why and would like to see if i can get a metal option

Plastic spurs should last many months of racing before they wear out.

If you are stripping spurs because you are losing your mesh, then you will also strip the metal spurs as well.

If you are using lots of thread lock in the motor mount, I have found that it dries up in the hole and prevents the screw from properly fastening the mount. I've had to drill and tap the hole all the way through so that the old thread lock is pushed out the other end. Another option is to melt the thread lock with a micro-torch when setting the mesh and that will keep it nice and tight.

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motor mount to chassis and motor to motor mount are fine and not moving, mesh is in the rang of what ive been running comfortably for years on other cars with out issue, not sure what other options there are
I agree with Bill you don’t really need a metal spur. Something is going wrong here.

I noticed on my SCT410 2.0 that although the gear mesh motor mount adjustment would stay locked in place, thanks to the red threadlock I was using, the motor mount itself, secured by the countersunk screws on the chassis came loose a few times, which stripped the spur gear.

The fix for this was to make sure that the screws were all cleaned with isopropyl alcohol, then I cleaned the threads in the motor mount using a cotton bud before finally using plenty of red threadlock to secure the screws. This fixed the problem and I haven’t stripped a spur gear since.
How long after use are the spur gears stripping?

As funny as it sounds, I know that a couple people have mounted their motors using one incorrect hole that matches up to the other and causing very tight gear mesh.
Do you have a link to the pinion gear you are using?

How long after use are the spur gears stripping?

As funny as it sounds, I know that a couple people have mounted their motors using one incorrect hole that matches up to the other and causing very tight gear mesh.
happened pretty quick into the first run, maybe 6 minutes on the first run
havent really run it since then, i have taken it all apart a few times and messed with it to try and fix