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I Dids a Dumbs Thing

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Going to post a pic soon, but I am still in awe at how stupid I could be.

Just balance charged a brand new 7200mAh 4s brick, was in a rush to get out an bash a bit before the sun went down. Started to see some sparks intermittedly? Yeah, forgot to secure the balance leads, an it got munched on by the spur an pinion an ripped out of the battery. The remains of those wires were touching when bottoming on the chassis. Good thing it wasn't constant, or I could have seen the entire rig up in flames.

Still use the battery, though I had to CAREFULLY isolate the balance wires, heat-shrink them individualy, then all together, an use some Kapton tape to secure the mess to the inside of the case of the battery. I can still charge it, but it takes much longer, as I can no longer balance the cells, so have to charge at a much lower amperage.


Upadate: After the last run, I really really don't trust a mangled battery left in the house, even if in a lipo bag inside a .50Cal box. So...what better way to sight in my brand new Walther PPQ? Heh...yeah...thems lipos blows up reeeaaalll good-like.
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you should be able to fix the balancing leads, that happened to me on my mt410, installed the battery backwards front to back. The pinion gear ate it to hell. Had to remove all the battery stuff around the wires and re-solder one new lead and bought some 5 pin connectors to replace the one destroyed. Battery still works now. You gotta be able to see each battery no matter what otherwise you can have a bad cell ready to go and not know it and that is dangerous.
I'm no stranger to soldering or batteries, I just felt after my initial fix, it became far too dangerous IMO to have it in the house, so I destroyed it.

I have 2 more of the same battery, so I'm all good, but it still makes me kick myself I was in such a rush as to ruin an expensive battery before it's first cycle. Live an Learn.
Going to post a pic soon, but I am still in awe at how stupid I could be.

Just balance charged a brand new 7200mAh 4s brick, was in a rush to get out an bash a bit before the sun went down. Started to see some sparks intermittedly? Yeah, forgot to secure the balance leads, an it got munched on by the spur an pinion an ripped out of the battery. The remains of those wires were touching when bottoming on the chassis. Good thing it wasn't constant, or I could have seen the entire rig up in flames.

Still use the battery, though I had to CAREFULLY isolate the balance wires, heat-shrink them individualy, then all together, an use some Kapton tape to secure the mess to the inside of the case of the battery. I can still charge it, but it takes much longer, as I can no longer balance the cells, so have to charge at a much lower amperage.


Upadate: After the last run, I really really don't trust a mangled battery left in the house, even if in a lipo bag inside a .50Cal box. So...what better way to sight in my brand new Walther PPQ? Heh...yeah...thems lipos blows up reeeaaalll good-like.
I did the same think on my first tekno run. It was a soft case batt. I cut off the heat shrink and soldered the leads back to each cell with success

I was scared to 💩 but the batt only had one charge on it.

I am not saying to do as I did but it is possible

a lipo explosion is not something to play around with so take extreme caution if you try this
Precisely why I destroyed/got rid of the battery. Lipos are NO JOKE. I've but 2 1/2 years left on my mortgage, an it would just be my luck the whole place goes up right at about the time I finish a 30+ year loan on my house. lol

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