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getting ready to place my order

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this is what I have set to order to any recommendations or changes I should make? I will be racing this car at tracks near me.

tires wise the tekno wheels will be for racing once I figure out at the tracks what tires to use, I will order a set of slash wheels off of ebay to bash around with

battery and charger wise i’m looking at grabbing zeee 6800mah 2s lipo with bullet connectors but I can change it that if there’s a different rec for a battery charger i’m looking at a gens ace
You might need to check the size of that 8 channel receiver. There's not very much room in the receiver box.
I would see how long the mains are as the heavier SCT sucks the life out of batteries. Just for a bit of reference, I will get about 12 minute run times from a 8200mAh pack.
Most Noble radios come with two four channel receivers. Either receiver should fit no problem. The FGR4S receivers have plenty of room in receiver box.

just now seeing these replies never got a notification, I did get that charger that was recommended, the receiver ended up fitting perfectly it is really small actually, I will probably get a bigger 2s at somepoint but the 6800 mah should work for now

just finished building the car today test drove it and then lost a wheel nut lol

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