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AJH387 ET410

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Sounds like a stellar truck! I wish I could get my hands on one and race it! But only a basher I will be for the time being ! Looks awesome!
Had another really good night with the ET. I feel like my confidence and speed gets better and better with each run. This time I was able to push a lot harder. I learned that this truck stays way more stable in the throttle. Just seems like a big difference in turns, over obstacles etc with a little bit of throttle applied and drive , compared to coasting. Some of the sections on our track that are meant to slow the speeds, I was rushing up to and letting the truck coast over. But it was a bit unpredictable. So I just learned to keep a little throttle on and just brake harder after, it it was much more consistent. Not sure if that would help anyone, but just my experience. No really issues. Popped the steering turnbuckle twice, but no biggie. I did noticed that the shocks vibrate around and unweight, which let's the collars seem to be loose. Kinda weird, but not sure if anyone else has experienced that? Anyways, just a quick update. Still really loving this thing. No regrets as it is $ well spent.

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