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Advice on Car and Components Selection for a new build

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Hi Folks,

New comer here. 40 years old dad that want to please his son (and himself ;) )

I m pretty new to RC as well but pretty enthusiastic having fun with the game.
I have made my homework and read/watch quite a few and I am closing down on what I want/need. (Tekno looks the best :D!!!!)
A bit of help would be very appreciated to finish the job and burn the credit card :D

Ok, let s start with the intentions:

1 - Spend to much time reading poop on the web (but that s almost done lol)
2 - Having fun with the assembly and the mechanics
3 - As for the driving:
a) Will run mostly on large open (non flat around here !!!) park (grass, dry and wet mud, gravel paths)
b) Will take it when going to the occasional skate park and likely more often to the dirt jump bike park
c) Will make it go big if It can but will not try to break it on purposes at all cost
d) May build a small race track in the woods near by
e) Unlikely to go to a real race track

As for the car, I m thinking/undecided:

- I am leaning towards an ET48 (It reads they are more durable, easier/more fun to drive , but bigger to carry around and a bit more expensive...)
- Other options being an ET410 or SCT410
- Looks like you can get quite a few EB 48 second hand as well around me as well, or perhaps new as well?

If I go for a brand new unit, what would be your recommendations for motor & controller, servo, batteries, radio and tires?
I am looking for the standards mid level range, solid and good performance without breaking the bank.

Thanks for the tips

Yan @ Tekno_38
I think the ET48 makes the most sense, and if you want to convert it into a monster truck later, then you buy the EB48 chassis and center shaft to make the conversion to be equivalent to the larger MT410.3 that was discontinued. The newer MT410 2.0 is much smaller.

If I were to build an ET48 for myself today, these are the electronics I would get:

Radio - Fly Sky Noble NB4
Battery - 4S from Zeee
ESC - HobbyWing
Motor - HobbyWing
Servo - NitroPro CT3
Charger - HOTA D6 Pro

Good Luck!
Thanks for the feedback billy. Very helpful.
Hardware looks good, maybe one last thing. As for the motor and ESC specs I m a bit at loss with all the various model/size/amps/volt offering.
Would you have a last recommendation in this area?
Thanks again.
I would go with a 1/8 scale truggy build for a robust, well rounded RC. I'd even take it one step further... a monster truggy build. Something along the lines of the 1/8th scale Kratons, or Kagamas that are out there. That's what I wanted to do, a few years back, but couldn't wait for the ET48 2.0 to be released. Doing a truggy/monster truggy build from a kit can be $$$ at first.

I'd check out these combos from Hobbywing:
QuicRun WP 8BL150 G2 Combo
EZRun MAX6 G2 Combo
If doing a truggy, I'd look into a 4274 size motor or larger. (42mm x 74mm)
A larger tire RC, like the Kraton, to run on all types of terrain, I'd opt for a Max6 combo to run a 6S LiPo battery.

So many things to think about.
How old is your kiddo?
An 1/8 scale Tekno ET running 4s is a lot to handle for a young person without any experience.
Very good point as I totally missed the whole picture of usage.

I'll use radio's throttle EPA, or throttle's Dual Rate High Side adjustment to limit speed should the need arise. I've used a 2S pack instead of a 4S pack in my 1/8 scale buggy to calm things down at first. The same with my 6S monster truggy when handing over the controls to someone new... I'll use 4S pack instead of a 6S pack, and maybe adjust the throttle dual rate as well.
Very good point as I totally missed the whole picture of usage.

I'll use radio's throttle EPA, or throttle's Dual Rate High Side adjustment to limit speed should the need arise. I've used a 2S pack instead of a 4S pack in my 1/8 scale buggy to calm things down at first. The same with my 6S monster truggy when handing over the controls to someone new... I'll use 4S pack instead of a 6S pack, and maybe adjust the throttle dual rate as well.
Thanks for all the tips,!
My son is likely a bit too young for the toy but he will grow!
I ve found a good deal 2nd hand for a full built combo with sister parts tools batteries in almost new shape etc... But it's an eb48 buggy not a truggy...
Do you think that it can take the job of driving in parks/forest or it will be frustrating to drive in anything but clean track?

I just pull the trigger for an eb48 full set.
The kit is in great shape and fully kitted with tools, batteries, charger, spare parts, electronics and radio for 800eur....
Can't wait to receive and start driving around!!!
You will have fun! And you can certainly run on rough surfaces with an 1/8 scale buggy.
If you want more off-road bashing action, can probably put some Backflip LP truck tires on as long as you drop the pinion gear down to under 14. Then you're just a few steps away from from a DIY MT410 (original formula/best monster truck ever made/don't know why they stopped).
You will have fun! And you can certainly run on rough surfaces with an 1/8 scale buggy.
If you want more off-road bashing action, can probably put some Backflip LP truck tires on as long as you drop the pinion gear down to under 14. Then you're just a few steps away from from a DIY MT410 (original formula/best monster truck ever made/don't know why they stopped).
Cool, that's a great simple advice!
One thing which push me over the eb was the form factor. The et48 look like a beast and possibly an hassle to carry around. So a mini monster truck could be perfect :)
I just had a quick look at the tires, they were the ones which equipped a 1/10 arrma monster, correct?
Found those pics of monster setup:

Link to setup
And this one too but the guy went all out on the buggy internals too

Link to setup

They looks rad !!!
Most likely end up with that as it would be perfect for a do it all wherever setup!
I just read a few more on gearing down, it's not so clear for me if you can get away with a simple pinion wheel reduction or if you need to change quite a lot more drive train components... Will see in due time 😃
Yup, those are exactly what I was thinking.
I believe the EB48 drive train components are the same as all the 1/8 scale Tekno chassis, and as such should have no problem with the additional torque generated. I believe it's the ESC, battery voltage, motor, and pinion that may require consideration when putting truck tires on this buggy. Most likely just get the smallest pinion gear available, and use 2s or 3s voltage battery. Then monitor the motor temp on initial runs and if it's reasonable... your all good.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but those 3.8 Backflip LPs are not going to fit the EB48 2.x. The pictures above shows a buggy that has certainly been modified with extended hexes.

I did a quick test and can confirm it is rubbing big time:

The Badlands 3.8 shown above are slightly smaller and have the Proline rims with much larger offset (1/2 inch). You probably will still need the +2 mm hexes as well to run them.
Thanks, very interesting comparison shot! The monster tires looks almost twice as big as the standard ones ! :O
@Nicochau, Good point with the 1/2" offset rims. Does it look like there would be any issue with steering clearance using badlands and the offset rim like you have? Could you post a pic showing the inside of the rim?
I have to use the +2mm hexes on my MT for Backflips to not rub, so I think that's just standard requirement/not a big deal.
Here's an amazing list of RC tire specs I've used from the Arrma forum:
This is what I did, I used some 2.8”, they fit just fine. I believe I did get some wheel hex adapters that added some width. The duratrax stuff is slightly too tall and doesn’t allow the chassis to “slap” or bottom out after a big jump. The shocks become the limiting component which is hard on the shocks, as long as you don’t send it, the duratrax are fine. I prefer the OG badlands. The mx badlands are also within a good height range to suit the eb48.
I also run a 16-17 tooth pinion on 4S with a 4076 2000kv motor. No heat issues. Check my build out hopefully it gives you some ideas.